The Journey to 100k Daily Readers

In 2022, I make my return to daily public writing. Join me on this journey as we build a tech-focused blog from scratch all the way to 100k daily visitors.

Several years ago, I experimented with daily blogging. It managed to drive my website from less than 10 visits each day to being one of the most referenced WordPress sites on the web. Knowing that people you’ve never met are reading you writing and referencing your work is a special kind of rewarding.

Honestly, it doesn’t get much better than that.

A return to WordPress

It’s been almost a year since I published anything in a public blog. Almost a year since I’ve used WordPress, either professionally or otherwise. Almost a year since I’ve written anything that I’ve given away for free.

2022 marks a return to all of the above. Public blogging. On WordPress. With all of the content given away entirely for free. This will be an exciting adventure!

Retiring one blog in favor of another

No project is truly ready to start without a goal – an objective against which we can gauge success. As of today, I have zero visitors to this site and a single email subscriber (myself). My goal is to push forward with meaningful content such that the end of the year sees 100k daily visitors across the site itself and our email newsletter.

Throughout this year, I’ll cover a broad spectrum of content:

  • Web technology and software
  • WordPress
  • Blogging and content creation strategies
  • Network and systems architecture
  • Cybersecurity
  • Maybe a bit of web3 as well

Legacy content will always be available on my old site – That site, though, is now frozen in time. An artifact of my past journeys with content and blogging. It’s moved to a static Jekyll setup hosted through GitHub, and the content will continue to be freely available so long as GitHub remains a thing. There are a few articles, that might see some updates and migrations to this site in the coming year. Stay tuned.