Limited Liability

Every once in a while, I get an unsolicited sales email from a random company. It usually has some laughable "limited liability" statement attached that claims to protect the sender from any legal claims that their message damaged my machine. Honestly, such a statement is laughable and guarantees I will never respond to the email.

This e-mail communication & any attachments are confidential & for the sole use of the intended recipient(s). Any review, reliance, dissemination, distribution, copying or other use is strictly prohibited & may be illegal.

Any opinions expressed in this communication are personal & are not attributable to [redacted] or any of its associate companies.

The reliability of this method of communication cannot be guaranteed. It can be intercepted, corrupted, delayed, may arrive incomplete, contain viruses or be affected by other interference. We have taken reasonable steps to reduce risks against viruses but cannot accept liability for any damages sustained as a result of this transmission.

If you are not the intended recipient please delete this e-mail & notify the sender immediately by replying to this e-mail.

When I see tags like this at the bottom of emails – particularly sales or solicitation emails – I just have to laugh.  Not only is this a cold-call message, it’s a confidential cold-call message at that.  Adding an attribution like this to the bottom of an otherwise unsolicited message is like knocking on someone’s door, then threatening them with legal action if they tell anyone you were there.

Unless you’re a law enforcement officer – with a court order – that’s just not going to happen.

Further, the limited liability statement is ridiculous.  “We’re sending you content you didn’t ask for. It might be infected with a virus. We accept no liability for any damage it causes.”  That kind of liability statement might stand up for a message I requested they send.  But for an unsolicited contact?  Highly doubtful.

When this kind of a blanket statement comes attached to an email proposing a technical partnership, it colors the entire message and, honestly, removes any chance of the sender ever getting a response.

To those of you sending cold-call sales emails, this is not the way to do it.