The Things That Matter Most

The Things that Matter Most video podcast is ready to go and will be kicking off its first episode this Friday at 9am!

We did it!

In December, I asked the WordPress community to help me crowdfund a new[ref]Well, I made an attempt at a podcast early in 2013, but a lack of support meant it never got off the ground.[/ref] video podcast.  In just less than a week, the community came through and provided enough funding to kick the thing off!

As of today, the Things that Matter Most website is officially LIVE.

I’ve set up a publishing schedule that will push out a new video every Friday at 9am Pacific.  Episodes will be roughly 20 minutes in length and, for the time being, include just me as a speaker.  However, I do have a couple of guest hosts lined up throughout the year to keep things interesting.

I’m also taking the time to aggregate all of my WordCamp and other conference talk videos on the site.  If there’s ever something I’ve spoken about – and someone has it on video – I want to put it in the same spot.

Today marks a new year and the kickoff of a new set of goals.  Will you make watching the show a 2014 resolution?