
My birthday is coming! This year, I'm asking the community to help me in raising funds to support 501 Collective, a charity aiding various global causes, including support for Ukraine. I'll also match your donations, up to $4,000.

There have been a few times in the past where I’ve asked help from the community to raise funds. Once was to start a podcast.1Though the podcast is long since over, it did go for several episodes over two years. Another time was to fund a cryptography project. Yet another to start a business.

The community has been amazing and I’m appreciative of everything you’ve done for me. I give back as much as I can because I want to be as supportive of those who’ve supported me.

Which brings me to a new ask.

Donating a Birthday

My birthday is on November 9. I don’t make a big deal out of it, and I usually even hide the date on social media. This year, though, I’m reminding you all ahead of time because … I want to donate my birthday.

I’ve asked the friends and family who usually give me gifts to not do that this time around. Instead, I’ve set up a fundraiser through a charity I know and support and have asked them to donate funds there instead of spend anything on me.

501 Collective

Screenshot of a recent email fundraiser by 501 Collective that aimed to rebuild a war-damaged home in Ukraine.
Recent email fundraiser from 501 Collective to support Ukraine.

My fundraiser this year is through a great, local organization called 501 Collective.They work to support several other charities around the world – from providing prenatal and birth care in Haiti to building homes for at-risk youth to keep them out of the sex trade to directly supporting war refugees with food and shelter in Ukraine.

This year, I’m asking everyone I know to consider donating something through 501 Collective. I’ve set up a donation page specifically for this campaign, so your funds are both securely transferred and tax-deductible.2I’m not aware of how charitable tax deductions work anywhere outside of the US; I’m only citing this for my American friends at the moment.

I’ll also go a step further and commit to matching your donations up to a total of $4k this year. This will be above and beyond my family’s normal level of giving, and I hope you see my intention here is to help provide as much support to this organization as possible.

November is coming! If you’re interested in and able to contribute, please do so today. I truly appreciate it!

  • 1
    Though the podcast is long since over, it did go for several episodes over two years.
  • 2
    I’m not aware of how charitable tax deductions work anywhere outside of the US; I’m only citing this for my American friends at the moment.